Appointments & Enquiries

I can't wait to hear from you and look forward to empowering you to elevate and optimise your health to where you want to be!
For any general enquiries/questions and booking requests please use the contact form below:
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Acknowledgement of Country:
' You might join me in paying respects to the people and other beings everywhere who keep the Law of the Land: The Elders and traditional custodians of all the places where this is written and read. The Ancestors, the old people from every People now living on this continent and its islands. Our non-human kin, including the various spiky species around the world, the porcupines and hedgehogs who snuffle the earth for ants and then do God knows what when we are not looking' - Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk

© Copyright Grounded Health 2024 | A BeanFarm Studio Website | Photos: Rainbow Folk Photography