
A place to share … recent articles and resources that may assist on your healing journey

Nourishing Ourselves for vitality in older age

Understanding the science of biological ageing enables us to examine ways ageing can be a healthy and enjoyable life transition as opposed to a time where disease and reduced quality of life is inevitable. Individuals who are motivated to take an active role in their health and wellbeing to achieve optimal vitality can be empowered with this knowledge, shifting the focus from extending ‘life–spans...

WELLNESS WISDOM… Navigating female hormonal changes

When we engage in inspired action based on knowledge, this is what truly equals power. Taking action can be challenging, particularly when it comes to our health. In a storm of interwoven factors (modern diet, sedentary lifestyles, stress, poor sleeping habits, environmental toxins), we have an evolutionary mismatch leading to a less than harmonious balance of hormones.

Reconnect with Nature: The Healing Power of Forest Bathing and Ecotherapy

You walk into the forest; as you look around, you notice the deep greens of the foliage on the forest floor, the velvety browns of the leaf matter accompanied by the distinctive earthy scent. You hear the rustling of the leaves as a bird alights from somewhere above you. A gentle breeze passes through and […]

Acknowledgement of Country:
' You might join me in paying respects to the people and other beings everywhere who keep the Law of the Land: The Elders and traditional custodians of all the places where this is written and read. The Ancestors, the old people from every People now living on this continent and its islands. Our non-human kin, including the various spiky species around the world, the porcupines and hedgehogs who snuffle the earth for ants and then do God knows what when we are not looking' - Tyson Yunkaporta, Sand Talk

© Copyright Grounded Health 2024 | A BeanFarm Studio Website | Photos: Rainbow Folk Photography